Abhinav Upadhyay

Assistant Professor

*2024 UConn AAUP Excellence in Research and Creativity Award Recipient*

Before taking up his current position at UConn, Dr. Upadhyay worked at the Center of Excellence for Poultry Science, University of Arkansas as a postdoctoral research associate and as research cooperator for Poultry Production and Product Safety Research Unit, USDA-ARS, Fayetteville, AR.


Classes Taught

ANSC 3695/5695 Current Trends in Sustainable Poultry Production
SAAS 375 Management Skills and Practices – Poultry

In the News

Research Interests

  • Developing effective intervention strategies for controlling foodborne pathogens – “farm-to-fork” food safety
    • Reducing pathogen survival in poultry gut
    • Controlling the persistence of foodborne pathogens in the processing environment
    • Inactivation of pathogens in food products
    • Reducing the infection process of foodborne pathogens in humans
  • Improving preharvest and postharvest poultry safety and production
  • Identification of novel antimicrobials for controlling foodborne pathogens
  • Developing novel carriers for improving the delivery and efficacy of antimicrobials

Hobbies/ Non-Academic Interests

  • Sports- Badminton, Cricket, Tennis, Soccer
  • Reading, movies, music and cooking
Abhi Upadhyay
Contact Information
Office LocationAgricultural Biotechnology Bldg., Room 220C | Lab: Room 233