Aerial View of Horsebarn Hill and UConn Storrs Campus

ANSC Advisory Committee

The ANSC Advisory Committee advises the department head on promoting the department’s achievements, fundraising efforts, and strengthening relationships with alumni and stakeholders. Its members, drawn from diverse professional and personal backgrounds across the country, bring a wide range of expertise. This diversity ensures that we consider multiple perspectives as we continue to provide the citizens of the State of Connecticut with a first-class comprehensive program to meet our tripartite missions of teaching, research, and service to animal agriculture.

Committee Members

Dr. Kim Brinton
Country Companions Veterinary Services
Robert "Bob" Cacchione
Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association
Nicole McKay
Hillandale Farms
Rebecca Rose 
Lyman Hall High School
Luigi Sartori
Northeast District Department of Health
Pete Sepe
Sepe Farm, LLC
Jim Smith
Cushman Farm
Kevin Woolam
CT Sheep Breeders Association