Current Graduate Students
General Information
- Current ANSC Graduate Students (photos and advisor information)
- ANSC Graduate Program Chair, Dr. Mary Anne Amalaradjou- or phone 860-486-6620.
- Spring 2025 Seminar Schedule (Coming Soon!)
- Animal Science Graduate Student Awards and Recognitions
- Animal Science Graduate Student Association (ASGSA)
- Student Employment Training
Forms and Resources
- Steps to a Successful Graduation
- MS and PhD Requirements
- Graduate Course Catalog
- Scholarships
- Dissertation Information
- Graduate Student Annual Report Form
- Career Development
- For career development services and resources, visit UConn’s Center for Career Development’s website at
The Center for Career Development hosts career-related events such as networking opportunities, seminars, alumni panels, and career fairs. Make an appointment for assistance with resume and CV critiques, practice interviews, and job search assistance in and outside of the academy.
- For career development services and resources, visit UConn’s Center for Career Development’s website at
Graduate Employee Union Local 6950
- Collective Bargaining Agreement
- Graduate Assistant Leave Policy
- GA Leave Summary: It is very important to note that GA’s are expected to work for their full appointment period. Time off or leaves of absence during an appointment period are governed by two separate articles in the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University and the GEU-UAW. First, time off during academic break periods (for example, when classes are not in session) is governed by Article 10 (Workload). Leaves of Absence during all other periods of time during the appointment period is governed by Article 15 (Leaves of Absence). View link above to learn more about Short-Term Absences (3 days or less), Non-Parental Extended Leave of Absences (4 or More Days), and Maternity Leave.