ANSC Undergraduate Scholarships
Admitted Students
The following Department of Animal Science scholarships are primarily offered to admitted animal science first years. The information submitted in a student’s university application and biography sheets completed at orientation is used to determine eligibility for these scholarships so students do not have to submit a separate form.
Available Scholarships
The W.A. Cowan Undergraduate Award in Animal Science
One annual award given to an incoming student in CAHNR or RHSA majoring in animal science. If no incoming student meets eligibility, then the award may be given to a current student. Award is based on past performance and demonstrated livestock interest, experience, achievement and junior leadership with one or more of the following: beef or dairy cattle, horses, sheep, goats, swine, poultry, or in 4-H and/or FFA livestock activities, and also possibly including junior breeder or producer organizations. Financial need should not be considered. Admission to UConn is the sole academic consideration.
Nathan Hale Award in Animal Science
One or more awards to undergraduate students enrolled in CAHNR or RHSA. Students must be an incoming undergraduate student enrolled full-time in Animal Science. Students must demonstrate an interest, accomplishment, and leadership related to any of the following livestock categories: beef or dairy cattle, horses, sheep, goats, swine, or poultry, by, without limitation, past participation in 4-H, Future Farmers of America, livestock activities, junior breeder and producer organizations, and similar such programs. If an incoming student cannot be identified, a continuing student who meets the criteria may be considered.
Frances E. Osborne Kellogg Fund Scholarship
One or more awards to CAHNR or RHSA students majoring in animal science. Based on academic performance. Scholarships may be renewed annually.
Continuing Students
The College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources and the Department of Animal Science offer many scholarships to continuing animal science majors. Generally, animal science majors are notified at the beginning of the spring semester (including first-years) to submit a College scholarship application form. This application will be reviewed for a variety of scholarships offered by the College. Students who have been chosen to receive a scholarship will be notified beginning in late spring and throughout the summer months.
Available Scholarships
Al and Barbara Scholarship
One or more awards to a full-time undergraduate student in CAHNR. Students must be in the second semester of their junior year (spring award), be in good academic standing, demonstrate financial need, and completing a plan of study in production agriculture and/or agri-business.
Willard H. Allen Scholarship
One or more awards to CAHNR or RHSA students based on scholarship (upper 10% of class), leadership, integrity, and extracurricular activities. Scholarships made possible by the bequest of Willard H. Allen (’16).
Animal Science Faculty/Staff Undergraduate Scholarship
One or more awards to undergraduate students in the Department of Animal Science.
Animal Science Pre-vet Scholarship
One award annually on a merit-basis to undergraduate students studying animal science who are intending to apply to a DVM program. Based on outstanding academic achievement and a commitment to veterinary medicine.
The Armstrong Family Scholarship
One or more awards to support junior or senior undergraduate students fulfilling the pre-veterinary studies program curriculum & maintaining a minimum GPA of 3.2 on a 4.0 scale while enrolled in the College of Agriculture & Natural Resources.
Beulah Shanley Baldwin Scholarship Fund
One or more awards to undergraduate students enrolled in CAHNR or RHSA. Recipients must have demonstrated community service through volunteerism. Scholarships may be renewed annually.
Mark Bishop and Lynette Bishop Bobb
One or more awards to outstanding incoming or continuing full-time undergraduate students enrolled in CAHNR. Students must be majoring in animal science, plant science, or nutritional sciences. Based on demonstrated academic achievement. Scholarships may be renewed annually.
Connecticut Trustees of the Eastern States Exposition Scholarship
One or more scholarships to CAHNR students provided by the Connecticut Trustees of the Eastern States Exposition. The undergraduate scholarship honors Lee Marsh. Based on financial need and an indication that the recipients will make a contribution to agriculture, and to the welfare of the citizens of Connecticut. Preference given to Connecticut residents.
Connecticut Veterinary Medical Association - Niel W. Pieper, DVM Scholarship
One award annually to a CAHNR upper-division pre-veterinary student who is a Connecticut resident preparing for a career in veterinary medicine. Based on past academic achievement and leadership in extra-curricular and/or civic activities. Although financial need is considered it need not be the determining factor.
Adelaide Connolly Scholarship
To provide scholarships in honor of Addie Connolly for students enrolled in Animal Science with special interests and/or skills in equine science.
Willard H. Daniels and Salvatore A. Orsini Scholarship
One or more awards to upper-division undergraduate students in CAHNR with an interest in veterinary medicine. Based on financial need, past academic achievement, and demonstration of potential for future academic and professional accomplishments. Willard Daniels was an Extension Veterinarian and Professor of Pathobiology. Dr. Orsini is a retired M.D., whose two sons became veterinarians and joined the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania.
The Thomas A. DiBenedetto Memorial Scholarship
One or more awards to CAHNR students based on academic achievement and the potential for future professional and academic accomplishments. Thomas DiBenedetto was a U.S. Marine serving in Beirut, Lebanon at the time of his death in October, 1983. His parents established the scholarship because of his appreciation of animals and the land.
Alan S. Farwell Scholarship
One or more awards to CAHNR students. Based on past academic achievement, demonstration of potential for future academic and professional accomplishments, demonstrated interest and participation in athletic or fitness activities, and evidence of personal contribution to college expenses through employment during school year and/or vacations. Financial need will be considered but will not be the only determinant factor. Endowed by Alan S. Farwell (’28).
First Company Governor’s Foot Guard Scholarship
One or more awards to CAHNR students in pre-veterinary medicine. Based on academic achievement, citizenship, and financial need. Provided by the First Company Governor’s Foot Guard in Hartford, CT.
Julius B. Fleischmann Memorial Award
One or more awards to a CAHNR or RHSA students with an interest in poultry production, nutrition, economics, marketing, or health. Provided by the Connecticut Poultry Association in honor of Julius B. Fleischmann, an industry leader, to encourage student involvement in the poultry industry.
Henry & Ebba Hansen Memorial Scholarship
One or more awards to CAHNR students who demonstrate strong leadership skills and an interest in public service and/or community organizations. Established in memory of Henry M. Hansen, Associate Director, Cooperative Extension System, and his wife Ebba who was also very active in the community.
Jarvis Products Corporation Scholarship
One or more awards to CAHNR or RHSA students majoring in animal science with a strong interest in meat science. Based on scholarship, participation in related extracurricular activities, work experience, and an intention to seek a career in the meat industry.
Robert E. Johnson Endowed Scholarship
One or more awards to full-time CAHNR students majoring in animal science. Students must demonstrate and interest in, and dedication to the dairy industry through leadership and participation in 4-H, FFA, dairy cattle judging, dairy breed, and/or dairy organization activities. Academic achievement is also considered. Established in memory of Robert E. Johnson, Professor of Dairy Science.
Frances E. Osborne Kellogg Fund Scholarship
One or more awards to CAHNR or RHSA students majoring in animal science. Based on academic performance. Scholarships may be renewed annually
Kinsman Family International Agriculture Scholarship
One or more awards to undergraduate or graduate CAHNR students for international study or internship. Preference given to animal science students.
Christopher P. Marsocci Memorial Scholarship
One or more awards to undergraduate students in CAHNR demonstrating financial need and recognized for notable leadership and service. Applicants must display a commitment to the college and must participate in community services. Preference will be given to active members of Alpha Zeta. Established by the family of Christopher Marsocci (’78) whose life ended tragically while in veterinary medical school. Christopher was Chancellor of Alpha Zeta.
New York Farmers Scholarship
One or more awards to incoming or continuing CAHNR or RHSA students in any major. Based on academic performance. Scholarships may be renewed annually.
Frank Niederwerfer Family Award in Animal Science
One or more awards to a CAHNR junior or senior majoring in animal science. Based on academic achievement, extracurricular activities, and potential for contributions to the livestock field. Provided by Frank Niederwerfer (’35).
A. Salmon & Sons Scholarship
One or more awards to CAHNR and RHSA students majoring in animal science. Based on scholarship, industriousness, participation in extracurricular activities and an intention to seek a career in the meat industry.
Smyrski Farm Scholarship
One or more awards to incoming or continuing CAHNR or RHSA students in any major. Preference given to students from the town of New Milford, Connecticut. Based on academic performance in high school, extracurricular activities, and work experience. Scholarships may be renewed annually.
University of Connecticut Agriculture and Natural Resources Alumni Association
One or more awards to juniors or seniors in CAHNR and second-year RHSA students. Based on academic achievement, strong leadership and service to the College through membership in clubs and/or community organizations. Scholarships may be renewed annually.
Xiangzhong (Jerry) Yang Research Excellence Award
To encourage research excellence by providing fellowship support for graduate students enrolled full-time in CAHNR, priority to continuing graduate students majoring in Animal Science or Pathobiology who demonstrate academic achievement.
Cornelius and Mary Jane York Award
One or more annual scholarships to CAHNR students based on scholarship, leadership, and citizenship.
Wilfred B. Young Leadership and Service Award
One or more awards to CAHNR or RHSA seniors showing professional interest in agriculture, food, or natural resources. Based on outstanding ability and achievement in leadership and service. Established in memory of Wilfred B. Young, Dean of the College from 1945-1966.