Careers for Equine Graduates
Equine Studies opens doors to a variety of unique and fulfilling careers for those passionate about working with horses. From hands-on roles that deepen your understanding of equine behavior to opportunities in the competitive equestrian world, the field offers a range of ways to turn your passion into a profession.
With so much hands-on learning, I was able to gain a better understanding of equine studies. I am so proud to be a part of the animal science family and happy I was able to have the college experience I wanted.

LaShawnda Phillips ’20 Animal Science (RHSA), ’22 Animal Science (CAHNR)
The following listings of career opportunities in the horse industry are organized by educational requirements for specific careers, and then subdivided by general segments of the horse industry. You can also visit and to find current job opportunities in the Equine industry. These lists were modified from material produced by the American Horse Council.
Careers Requiring a PhD, Veterinary or Professional Degree from a College or University
- Primary Careers Requiring Daily Contact with Horses and/or Horse Owner
- Veterinarian
- Extension Horse Specialist
- Horse Feed Development Specialist
- University Professor
- Equine Veterinary Acupuncturist
- Geneticist
- Animal Nutritionist
- Support Positions Not Requiring Daily Contact with Horses or Horse Owners
- Dean of College of Agriculture
- Dean of Veterinary School
- Careers with Horse Shows or Rodeos
- Horse Show Veterinarian
- Careers in the Racing Industry
- Track Veterinarian
- Track Veterinarian
Careers Requiring a Master’s Degree From a College or University
- Primary Careers Requiring Daily Contact with Horses and/or Horse Owners
- University Instructor
- Animal Behaviorist
- Pedigree Analyst
- Horse Feed Formulator
- Support Positions Not Requiring Daily Contact with Horses or Horse Owners
- Architect
- Attorney
- Financial Advisor
- Agricultural Engineer
- Accountant
Careers Requiring a Baccalaureate Degree From a College or University
- Primary Careers Requiring Daily Contact with Horses and/or Horse
- Extension Educator or County Agriculture Agent
- College Instructor
- Clinician
- Mounted Policeman
- Transportation Specialist
- Riding Instructor/Coach
- Breeder
- Identification Maker
- Stunt Rider/Double in Movies
- Youth Director
- Rehabilitation Therapist
- Farm Manager
- Technical School Teacher
- Trainer
- Veterinarian's Assistant
- Horse Auctioneer
- Stallion Manager
- Laboratory Technician
- Bloodstock Agent
- Animal Abuse Investigator
- Humane Society Official
- Artificial Inseminator
- Stable Manager
- Veterinary Technician
- Farrier / Corrective Shoeing
- Broodmare Manager
- X-Ray Technician
- Support Positions Not Requiring Daily Contact with Horses or Horse Owners
- High School Agriculture Teacher
- Agricultural Equipment Designer
- Engineer
- Agricultural Researcher
- Actuary (Insurance representative)
- Director of Public Relations or Executive Secretary of a Horse-Oriented Organization
- Breed or Discipline Association Executive
- Field Secretary
- Lobbyist
- State Director of Identification Services
- Director of Technical School
- Tailor or Clothing Buyer
- Commercial Feed Manufacturer
- Laboratory Technician
- Director of Advertising (newspapers, magazines, horse publications)
- Author (fiction or non-fiction)
- Equine Journalist
- Instructional Material Author
- Sales of Agricultural Equipment
- Pharmaceutical Sales
- Insurance Sales
- Advertising Space Designer
- Landscape Architect
- Auditor
- Internal Auditor of Equestrian Organization
- Horse Feed Wholesaler
- Insurance Investigator
- Agricultural and Research Economist
- Museum Curator
- Trade Press Editor
- Business Manager of Horse Publication
- Publisher of Horse Books
- Land Consultant/Farm Realtor
- Careers with Horse Shows or Rodeos
- Timing Equipment
- Security
- Careers in the Racing Industry
- Racing Chemist
- Judge
- Timing Equipment
- Engineer
- Racing Steward
- Racing Secretary
- Handicapper
- Director of Mutuels
- Security
- Equine Tattoo Inspector
- Racing Commissioner
- Personnel
- Mutuel Machine Maintenance
- Careers Related to Horse Recreation
- Trail Engineer
- Park and Recreation Administrator
- Recreation Planner
Careers in Equine Dentistry
This page is to provide a starting point for those who are interested in pursuing this career path.
*Note: UConn does not have a School of Equine Dentistry.*
Careers Requiring One or Two Years of Education Beyond High School
- Support Positions Not Requiring Daily Contact with Horses or Horse Owners
- Film Distribution Specialist
- Clothing Designer
- Boot Manufacturer
- Commercial Artist
- Advertising Sales Manager
- First Aid Personnel
- Reporter/Journalist
- Horse Trailer Designer
- Web Page Designer
- Film Editor
- Blood Typing Specialist
- Advertising Copywriter
- Equestrian Portrait/Illustrator
- Fire Prevention Specialist
- Meeting Planner
- Motion Picture/TV Writer Technician, Director, Camera Crew, Producer
- Pest Control Specialist
- Careers with Horse Shows or Rodeos
- Horse Show Manager
- Horse Show Receptionist
- Fair/Exposition Manager
- Inspector
- Drug Inspector
- Technical Representative
- Technical Delegate
- Judge
- Steward
- Course Designer (Jumps, Trail, etc.)
- Jump/Trail Obstacle Designer
- Test Designer
- Publicity Director
- Lighting Director
- Photographer
- Referee
- Careers in the Racing Industry
- Publicity Staff
- Maitre d Hotel
- Track Manager
- Horseman's Bookkeeper
- Jockey
- Driver
- Mutuels Manager
- Turf Club Director
- Technical Representative
- Comptroller
- Trainer
- Jockey Valet
- Jockey's agent
- Marketing/Publicity
- Careers Related to Horse Recreation
- Guest Ranch Host/Hostess
- Parade Organizer
- Country Club Manager
- Field Master
- Whipper-In
- Professional Huntsman
- Kennelman