Fall Student Newsletter
August 2024
A message from the Department Head
I am excited to re-join the Department as the new department head. I am a proud alum and was trained here in the early 2000’s in ruminant nutrition. I want to take this opportunity to welcome all new and returning students to fall 2024 as well as congratulate all May/August graduates and those who made the Dean’s list in spring 2024!
In my short time back in Storrs, I have had the chance to speak with many of the incoming freshmen on different occasions. We are so fortunate to have you all here joining the Department. The faculty and staff of Animal Science have been working hard to ensure that we are fully prepared to assist all students to make wonderful, life lasting memories, and great personal and professional achievements.
We are still waiting to refill two new faculty positions; one will be centrally involved with dairy extension/outreach activities while teaching dairy science courses and the second one will be heavily involved in teaching responsibilities.
The Department’s faculty members in FY 2024 submitted nearly $15.4 million external proposals, received ~$6.1 million, have several in “pending/under review” status now, and maintained active external funding of ~$24.3 million. We also published 91 conference proceedings, 43 journal articles, 5 book chapters, filed one patent, and awarded 9 PhD, 5 MS, and 96 undergraduate degrees (20 in December, 63 in May, and 13 candidates for August 2024).
We are so thankful to Professor Cindy Tian for taking good care of the Department for the past three years as the Interim Department Head while maintaining her teaching and research duties. Her leadership through challenging times has been exemplary and placed the Department in a very good position to continue pursuing excellence in teaching, research, extension as well as entrepreneurial activities.
For those who plan to graduate this December, please make sure that you apply for graduation and submit plans of study to the degree auditor. The plan of study should be submitted within the first two weeks of the semester through Student Admin. Please check with your advisor to make sure you are all set for graduation.
Let us have a fantastic fall 2024 semester and GO HUSKIES!
Best Wishes,
Pedram Rezamand '06 PhD (ANSC)

$3.34 Million USDA Grant Supports Development of Organic Poultry Industry
This new grant focuses on multiple objectives to advance the safety, efficiency, and economic outlook for organic poultry farming
Organic poultry farming, an increasingly important part of U.S. agriculture, prioritizes animal welfare, environmental protection, and high-quality products and has seen a significant rise in popularity in the recent past.
There are nearly 2,000 organic poultry farms in the U.S. according to 2021 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, including seven egg-producing farms in Connecticut. However, this sector still faces numerous obstacles, including disease management, feed availability, production efficiency, food safety, and effective marketing.
A $3.34 million USDA-NIFA Organic Agriculture Research and Extension grant led by UConn researcher Abhinav Upadhyay, assistant professor of animal science in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources (CAHNR), will use cutting-edge scientific expertise to address some of these pressing challenges.
August 15, 2024 | Anna Zarra Aldrich, Office of the Vice President for Research
UConn Sheep Show
On March 2, 2024, the UConn Department of Animal Science and the UConn Block & Bridle Club hosted the inaugural UConn Sheep Show. The event began with showmanship classes featuring Block & Bridle Club members, who had spent weeks caring for and preparing their sheep. It concluded with specialty classes, including fitting, costume, 4H/FFA, and “Over The Hill,” involving participants ranging from 4H and FFA members to alumni and parents.

RIVER Students
In June, we said goodbye to our friends from Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research (RIVER). These students spent several weeks at UConn, rotating between animal science, pathobiology, and veterinary science labs, gaining hands-on experience with our faculty and grad students as part of a formal agreement with the UConn College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources.

CT Horse Symposium
The Connecticut Horse Symposium took place on March 23, 2024, at Horsebarn Hill Arena, drawing horse enthusiasts and agricultural scientists statewide. The event featured three versatility clinic sessions led by Peter Whitmore, owner of It’s A Pleasure Training, and concluded with riding demonstrations by the Dressage and Equestrian Teams, plus a UConn Polo Team match.

UConn Foals
Wonder-foal news! The Horse Unit welcomed 6 new foals to the UConn Campus this spring: UC Earl of Battersea, Ever So Good, UC Eros, UC Evergreen, UC Expect the Best, and Easy Living. Meet the new foals...
Cheese Champions
The UConn Creamery’s cheeses were recently recognized with awards in major national and regional contests. UConn’s artisanal 1881 Reserve was awarded First Place in the American Originals – Monterey Jack category in the 2024 American Cheese Society Annual Judging and Competition. The cheese also received a bronze medal in the same class at the Big E Cheese Competition. The Creamery’s Storrs Original Farmstead Jack also won bronze at the Big E competition while the Old Farm Lane Fresh Cheese won silver, and the Green Chile Old Farm Lane Fresh Cheese took home the gold with a near-perfect rating of 99 out of 100.

Exciting "Moos"!
We are pleased to share that our heifer, UConn Helix Maxine, was recognized by Holstein Association USA this spring as a top performer in the Class - MATURE 3X 305D Milk Leader Category for the state of Connecticut!

The Scoop on UConn's Ice Cream
Dr. Steven Zinn spoke about our heifers and their role in producing UConn's award-winning ice cream with Connecticut Public Radio in April.
Baotien Nguyen's '24 ice cream flavor, "Biscoff Banaza", debuted at the Dairy Bar in August. The flavor, developed during Dr. D'Amico's Animal Food Products: Dairy Technology course, ties together rich banana ice cream with crunch Biscoff cookie pieces and thick fudge swirl. See the production process...

UConn Dairy Show
The 74th Annual UConn Dairy Show took place on April 13, 2024, in the Horsebarn Hill Arena. This year's show featured 60 students who trained their heifer multiple times a week leading up to the event.

Alana Wolfson '25 (ANSC)
Alana was selected as one of the 12 American Physiological Society Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows. As a part of her fellowship, she spent the summer working with Dr. Reed to study the impact of poor maternal nutrition on a ewe’s lambs and their offspring after that. Read more about her research...

Alyssa Marselli '24 (RHBA), '26 (ARE)
Alyssa was the recipient of the 2024 Outstanding Senior Woman Academic Achievement for Ratcliffe Hicks Award through the UConn Women's Center.

Ariel Kuhl '24 (ANSC)
Ariel recieved 2nd place in the American Society of Animal Science Undergraduate Student Poster Competition during the ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Carissa Leung '25 (ANSC)
Carissa received a Student Research Grant from the American Ornithological Society, the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Student Research Award from UConn, and a SURF Award for her project on Eastern Bluebirds under Dr. Sarah Knutie.

ASAS Undergraduate Student Awards - Pictured: Dr. Steven Zinn, Lauren Kasdan, Hailey Kampton, Rachel Levine, Elliana Castiglia, Timothy Davis, Hannah Portal, Meaghan Shannon, Abigail Millman, Meghan Loftus, Tessa Stewart, and Allison Tapley.
Chetna Shah (MS, Upadhyay)
Chetna won 1st place in the Z. John Ordal Food Microbiology Division Graduate Student Oral Competition organized by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Food Microbiology Division for her presentation titled "Oral supplementation of Trans cinnamaldehyde reduces colonization of Listeria monocytogenes in guinea pigs and downregulates expression of virulence proteins in vitro".

Jodie Allen (PhD, Upadhyay)
Jodie received the Maurice Stein Fellowship Award from the Poultry Science Assocation and the Nutmeg IFT Graduate Student Scholarship from the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). Jodie also placed 3rd in the HS Food System Technology Speedy Science TM Oral Prentation Competition and was the Judge's Choice Winner in the International Association for Food Production SPDG Three-Minute Thesis Competition.

Santhi Priya-Voggu (PhD, Govoni)
Santhi received a Student Conference Travel Award from the Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative (AG2PI), which she used to attend the 2024 ASAS-CSAS-WSASAS Annual Meeting in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Her poster, "Betaine supplementation and nutrient restriction during gestation: Influences on growth in fetal sheep offspring," won 3rd place overall in the PhD poster category.

Sulthana Humayoon Muttathukonam (MS, Amalaradjou)
Sulthana received the Nutmeg IFT Graduate Student Scholarship from the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). She was also awarded 1st Place during the IFT Carbohydrate Division Student Hackathon 2024 - Hacking Fiber competition, where IFT student members from across the world were given a period of 9 days to plan and come up with their idea to create baked goods rich in dietary fiber.

Trushenkumar Shah (PhD, Upadhyay)
Trushenkumar received 2nd place in the graduate research competition organized by Indian Association for Food Protection in North America (IAFPNA) at IAFP 2024 in Long Beach, California, for his presentation titled "Efficacy of Trans-cinnamaldehyde and Caprylic Acid Nanoemulsions in Reducing Colonization of Salmonella Enteritidis in Broiler Chickens". Trushenkumar also received several travel awards to present his research at the International Association for Food Protection and Poultry Science Association's annual meetings.

Welcome (Back) Graduate Students!

Dr. Abhinav Upadhyay
Dr. Upadhyay was awarded the Excellence in Research and Creativity Award - Early Career from UConn AAUP and an Excellence in Research and Creativity Citation form the State of Connecticut General Assembly.

Dr. Chaoyu Zhai
Dr. Chaoyu Zhai and Dr. Sarah Reed received a $650,000 National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s (NIFA) Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) grant to investigate how a common dietary supplement can improve the quality of meat from cattle with hypertension. Read more about their grant...

Dr. Dennis D'Amico
Dr. Dennis D'Amico shared his long-brewing passion for making craft beer with UConn Today. Dr. D'Amico also participated in a Q&A feature with UConn Today to answer questions about the safety of amidst the outbreak of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI).

Dr. Elias Uddin
Dr. Uddin was selected for the Climate Smart Feed Management Committee (CSFM). The CSFM committee, launched by the National Animal Nutrition Program (NANP) committee in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and Texas A&M AgriLife Research, aims to "enhance the sustainability of livestock feeding practices by promoting the conservation of natural resources and advancing climate solutions".

Dr. Mary Anne Amalaradjou
Dr. Amalaradjou received the Inclusive Excellence Spirit Award from the UConn Office of Human Resources. She also patented a method of spraying eggs with probiotics shown to improve embryonic development and post-hatch growth of chicks raised for broiler production. This method improves chick health without relying on antibiotics, which are increasingly banned due to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria – a threat to human and animal health. Read more about her patent...

Dr. Sarah Reed
In addition to her grant with Dr. Chaoyu Zhai, Dr. Reed was awarded the Teaching Excellence Career Award through UConn AAUP and named a University Teaching Fellow by UConn CETL.

Dr. Steven Zinn
Dr. Steven Zinn received the Distinguished Provost’s Outstanding Service Award from the UConn Provost Office. The award honors faculty whose service is exemplary and has made an indelible impact in one or more areas to enhance the University’s mission in teaching, research, service, or engagement. Read more about the award...

Farewell to Paul Bleimeyer
ANSC faculty, staff, and students came together to recognize Mr. Paul Bleimeyer of the Kellogg Dairy Center and his 25+ years of service towards advancing our department's teaching, research and extension initiatives at a retirement ceremony held in August. Paul's dedication to our dairy herd and passion for teaching future generations of dairy and livestock professionals has had a profound impact on our department, and we wish him nothing but the best in his retirement.
Dr. Anup Kollanoor Johny '11 PhD (ANSC)
Dr. Johny was awarded the 2024 North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Educator of the Year Award during their annual meeting in Wooster, Ohio. The award, presented annually, recognizes those individuals whose efforts represent the very best in agricultural higher education.

Dr. Indu Upadhyaya '15 PhD (ANSC)
Dr. Upadhyaya was received the UConn College of Agriculture, Health, and Natural Resources' Doris Lane Award, which recognizes outstanding Cooperative Extension faculty and staff and provides support for programmatic enhancements for the honoree.

Dr. Ranjith Ramanathan '12 PhD (ANSC)
Dr. Ramanathan received the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) Meats Research Award, which recognizes ASAS members and their contributions to research excellence in the field of Meat Science.

We Want to Tell Your Story
The Department of Animal Science is proud to share the success and accomplishments of our faculty, staff, students and alumni. Share your updates, stories, and more below.

Give a Gift
Animal Science Students, Faculty, and Staff welcome your support
Many donors choose to honor a loved on or friend with a gift to support UConn in their name. Perhaps the gift is in memory of someone who loved UConn's animals, from an alumnus who attended the Department of Animal Science, or in honor of an inspirational professor.
Please consider donating to the following featured funds (or to any other departmental funds):
Animal Science Department Fund
For more information, contact Barbara Palmer by email at bpalmer@foundation.uconn.edu. The Foundation is a tax-exempt, non-profit corporation dedicated to UConn. Donors to the Foundation have the right to request that their identity be anonymous.
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- Academic Year '14/'15 Undergraduate Research Highlights
- Spring 2015
- Special Insert- Bill Davenport Interview
- Special Insert- Pre-Vet Club Alternative Spring Break
- Winter 2015
- Special Insert - Davenport Family Interview
- Special Insert - Justin Simone, ANSC Alumnus on Vet School
- Fall 2014
- Spring 2014
- Special Insert - Catherine Maher, ANSC Student & UConn Equestrian Team Captain
- Winter 2014
- Fall 2013
- Academic Year '13/'14 Undergraduate Research Highlights
- Special Insert - ANSC Student Paints UConn
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- Academic Year '12/'13 Undergraduate Research Highlights
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- Academic Year '11/'12 Undergraduate Research Highlights
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- Spring 2011 Undergraduate Research Highlights
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- Fall 2010 Undergraduate Research Highlights